Paddle Fest in Bend, Oregon

Last weekend, Aldercreek hosted the annual Paddle Fest at Mckay Park. Aldercreek provided the opportunity to demo boats and paddles at no cost to the public... a free paddle day! There were hundreds of boats available to try from Liquidlogic to Wilderness Systems. Safety boaters were also on hand to help any visitor in trouble...we understand that canoes are tippy!

Sign up began at 8 am and around noon, we peaked with roughly 300 visitors present. Total, we had around 400 visitors- a big success for Aldercreek and the paddling community!

(above) the park getting busy

(above) Josh- the official safety boater, getting ready

Come out next year for the annual Paddle Fest at McKay park, you wont want to miss it!

Happy Paddling,
Christina Russell

About this blog

Alder Creek Kayak & Canoe of Bend, OR has recreated its paddling team thanks to Geoff Frank (owner and operator of ACKC). Currently being rebuilt, the team consists of Josh McKeown, Drew Oldfield, Kim and Christina Russell, and will be expanded to encompass a number of people in the Central Oregon area. This blog will be dedicated to providing up to date information about the different paddling adventures of Team Alder Creek.