Vancouver Island BC: Part 1

Ferry Ride to BC Island: 7AM
Photo: Christina Russell

Team Alder Creek got a chance to head up to Vancouver Island BC to hit up some creeks for our Spring Break. Christina Russell and Josh McKeown met up with a strong crew from Hood River, and Eugene Oregon, we all rallied to the Island last Sunday. The forecast called for plenty of rain and made it clear for some good flows on most of the creeks we all wanted to run. Here are some pictures of the ride up to the Island.

Photo: Christina Russell

The Crew Getting Gas in Canada
Photo: Christina Russell

Driving to Point Renfrew, BC
Photo: Christina Russell

The first day on the river consisted of Lower Gordon Creek which was Class 3-4. The entire crew was functioning on little sleep and hours of driving so no class five was in store for the day. On top of the Gordon we originally planned to also run the Bugaboo park and huck falls, which consisted of a 30 footer, then a 25 footer. This was all changed when we found a nice HUGE old growth tree in the 25 foot falls. The Bugaboo falls is a tributary into the Gordon right above the Lower section.

30 Footer, Bugaboo Falls
Photo: Josh McKeown

25 Footer, Bugaboo Falls: With the Log in it
Photo: Christina Russell

Put In rapid for Lower Gorden Creek
Photo: Christina Russell

Put in Cliff for Lower Gorden and Take Out for Middle Gorden Creek
Photo: Christina Russell

Me enjoying one of many small creeks coming out of the walls of the canyon of Lower Gorden
Photo: Christina Russell

After the run down Lower Gorden Creek we all headed back into Point Renfrew and checked into the cabins that Austin had reserved. These cabins were truly luxery for us kayakers and made the trip up to BC 10x better. On top of the cabins, they had hot tubs which we all took advatage of every night!

Point Renfrew Cabins
Photo: Josh McKeown

Point Renfrew Cabins
Photo: Josh McKeown

The next day we were all ready to hit up some BC Class five and concluded the night before that the Upper and Middle section of Gordon Creek was the way to go. We all put on Upper Gordon Creek which consisted of Class 3 and 4 through a 2-3 mile stretch of river. After some good warm up rapids we ran into the Middle Gordon which is the classic class 5 section which has about 6 total big rapids on it. Here are the some pictures from the day.

The Crew Scouting Drop 1 on Middle Gordon Creek
Photo: Josh McKeown

Austin Rathmann on Drop 1
Photo: Josh McKeown

Todd Baker on Drop 1
Photo: Josh McKeown

Me in the entrance of Drop 1
Photo: Christina Russell

Me on Drop 1
Photo: Christina Russell

Todd Baker below Drop 1; Looking down Middle Gordon Canyon
Photo: Josh McKeown

Ryan Scott in Terminator
Photo: Josh McKeown

Todd Baker in the Entrance hole of Terminator
Photo: Josh McKeown

Austin Rathmann making the Must Make move on Austin City Limits
Photo: Josh McKeown

Todd Baker styling Austin City Limits
Photo: Josh McKeown

After this run down the Middle Gordoen, we all headed back into town for some nice hot tubin and much needed food. The next Day would prove that not everything is always smooth in BC....

Local Paddling on the Deschutes

Today Team Alder Creek was able to get out and paddle Dillon/Lava Island Falls. The crew consisted of John Cramp, David Kinker, Christina Russell, and Josh McKeown (Author). With 60+ degree weather none of us could ask for anything better! We all meet at the traditional Meadow Camp parking lot below Lava Island Falls and packed into my 2 person Tacoma truck. Reaching the turn off for Dillon Falls a few minutes later we all discover a truck stuck in the snow at the bottom of the hill. This problem was nothing new for John Cramp and I because only a few weeks earlier we got 3 people unstuck, while trying to run the shuttle for Lava. With Johns trusty pin kit we were able to get the truck unstuck with in a matter of minutes. At this point we decided to hike in the last mile instead of getting my truck stuck in the snow to. Here are some pictures of the crew hiking in.

Photo: Josh McKeown

Once reaching the put in we were all hot and happy to finally be paddling. I jumped out at Dillon Falls and took a few pictures of the crew running the drop. Both Christina and myself thought it would be a fun day to try surfing Dill Hole. It was fun…

Dillon Falls (663 CFS)
Photo: Josh McKeown

Christina Russell: Dillon Falls
Photo: Josh McKeown

John Cramp(Hand Paddling): Dillon Falls
Photo: Josh McKeown

Christina Russell Surfing Right Side of Dill Hole
Photo: Josh McKeown

From here we paddled the 3+ miles of flat water to Lava Island Falls. Christina jumped out and took some sweet pictures of Lava 1 and I grabbed a few on Lava 2.

Hanging out in an eddy in Lava Island Falls
Photo: Christina Russell

Josh McKeown: Airplane Turn, Lava Island Falls
Photo: Christina Russell

Josh McKeown: Lava 1
Photo: Christina Russell

David Kinker: Lava 1
Photo: Christina Russell

John Cramp: Lava 2
Photo: Josh McKeown

Christina Russell: Middle of Lava 2
Photo: Josh McKeown

From here we concluded yet another enjoyable run down the Deschutes River. And all I know is that Spring is here and the water is coming. Finally! Hope to see you out on the water.

Christina Russell: End of Lava Island Falls
Photo: Josh McKeown

Team Alder Creek

Alder Creek Kayak & Canoe of Bend, OR has recreated its paddling team thanks to Geoff Frank (owner and operator of ACKC). Currently being rebuilt, the team consists of Josh McKeown and Christina Russell, and will be expanded to encompass a number of people in the Central Oregon area. This blog will be dedicated to providing up to date information about the different paddling adventures of Team Alder Creek. Below are some pictures of Christina and Josh in action!

Christina Russell

Josh McKeown

About this blog

Alder Creek Kayak & Canoe of Bend, OR has recreated its paddling team thanks to Geoff Frank (owner and operator of ACKC). Currently being rebuilt, the team consists of Josh McKeown, Drew Oldfield, Kim and Christina Russell, and will be expanded to encompass a number of people in the Central Oregon area. This blog will be dedicated to providing up to date information about the different paddling adventures of Team Alder Creek.